Quit Smoking TechniquesBy Jorg Thonnissen (2010) Psychologist – Hypnotic Impact | Hypnotherapy Perth
World-wide people are struggling with nicotine addictions making it one of the biggest public health issues. In fact, there are approximately 650 million smokers world-wide (Wise & Correia, 2008) half of which will die, or are dying from smoking related health problems (Le Foll & George, 2007). This is an enormous cost to health systems and highlights the need to encourage smokers to kick the habit. However, as many smokers will tell you, the addiction to nicotine is one of the hardest to overcome most probably because there is a behavioural compulsion included in the addiction (Rouse, 2007). In order to assist patients in quitting a number of interventions have been used, from pharmacological interventions through to behavioural and also hypnotherapeutic interventions. Despite the increasing popularity of pharmacological interventions, hypnotherapy remains a popular choice amongst patients wishing to quit smoking naturally (Hely, Jamieson & Dunstan, 2011). Regardless of the method used to quit smoking, there are some practical tips the smoker can keep in mind to make the process easier, which will certainly assist with quitting. Tips to Quit Smoking The first thing to bear in mind is that the patient needs to be fully motivated and really want to quit smoking in order for them to be successful at it. It cannot be a case of “quitting because my wife wants me to” or because the doctor said so. The motivation and need to stop smoking must come from the individual him/herself. Due to the fact that pharmacological interventions are not capable of addressing underlying behavioural issues, these methods often come short and need to be complemented with the patient’s own change in lifestyle, or preferably some hypnotherapeutic intervention. Rouse (2007) suggests changing the behaviours that are connected to the habit. In this sense, it is useful to break associations with smoking by, for example, changing from drinking coffee in the morning (which is associated with smoking a morning cigarette) to drinking a glass of orange juice instead. It also helps to change routines so that the habit of smoking becomes interrupted. Behavioural compulsions and the habit of smoking can often be the biggest factors to overcome. In this case, hypnotherapy can be especially useful. Hypnotherapy involves inducing an altered state of consciousness through the use of relaxation and visualization and then offering therapeutic suggestions which may reinforce the health benefits of quitting, highlighting the dangers of continued smoking, changing the person’s perceptions of smoking and offering suggestions to assist in dealing with nicotine cravings (Hely et al. 2011). As the person is in a suggestible and relaxed state, these therapeutic suggestions often reinforce the desire to stop smoking which is then carried into normal waking life making it easier to withstand cravings and break the habit. The effects of quitting smoking Research shows that people who have quit smoking for 6 months or more are more likely to be successful as the relapse rates tend to decrease after the 6 month mark (Hely et al. 2011). Of course the health benefits are tenfold even after the 3 month mark where there is significantly reduced toxin exposure, improved pulmonary function and general improvement in health and wellness. Of course the re are also perceived risks involved in quitting smoking. Many people are concerned with cravings and possible weight gain (Weinberger, Mazure & McKee, 2010). While these remain potential difficulties, continued hypnotherapy may assist in cementing the benefits and reinforcing the need to abstain from smoking. Hypnotherapeutic suggestions may also be used in reducing weight gain and reinforcing healthy eating habits. Furthermore, the relaxation training can also assist in learning to cope with stress more effectively rather turning to nicotine. Smoking is an extremely difficult habit and addiction to break. The costs to health systems and to personal wellbeing are enormous and there is a wealth of evidence pointing towards the need for people to quit. Although pharmacological interventions are popular, they don’t seem to target the behavioural and psychological component in smoking and, as such, fall short. Hypnotherapy is an increasingly popular method to quit smoking naturally and assists by providing suggestions that reinforce the benefits of quitting, the desire to quit and assists in dealing with cravings. There are many health benefits to quitting smoking, but there are also perceived risks which may also be alleviated through the use of continued hypnotherapy. References Hely, J. M., Jamieson, G. A., & Dunstan, D. (2011). Smoking cessation: A combined cognitive behavioural therapy and hypnotherapy self-help treatment protocol.Australian Journal Of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, 39(2), 196-227. Le Foll, B., & George, T. P., (2007). Treatment of tobacco dependence: Integrating recent progress into practice. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 177, 1373–1380. Rouse, D. (2007). creating a healthier life. Better Nutrition, 69(4), 46-47. Weinberger, A. H., Mazure, C. M., & McKee, S. A. (2010). Perceived risks and benefits of quitting smoking in non-treatment seekers. Addiction Research & Theory, 18(4), 456-463 Wise, L., & Correia, A. (2008). A review of nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapies for smoking cessation. Formulary 43(2), 44–64 Resources http://www.quitnow.gov.au/ By Jorg Thonnissen (2010) Psychologist – Hypnotic Impact | Hypnotherapy Perth |